Financial Policies
Financial policies provide guidelines for financial decision making and set the strategic intent for financial management and are central to a strategic, long-term approach to financial management.
The following financial policies are provided to assist in understanding how financial policies affect the financial position of Tahoe City Public Utility District.
- No. 2005 Long-Term Financial Planning Policy Adopted 09/20/19
- No. 2010 General Fund Reserve Policy Amended 06/19/20
- No. 2015 Enterprise Funds Unrestricted Net Position and Reserves Policy Amended 06/19/20
- No. 2025 Water System Acquisition Policy Amended 08/16/19
- No. 2040 Debt Management Policy Adopted 07/19/19
- No. 2045 Property Tax Revenue Policy Adopted 07/19/19
- No. 2050 Establishing Water and Sewer Rates and Fees Policy Adopted 07/19/19
- No. 2060 Disposal of Surplus Property Policy Adopted 02/21/20
- No. 2070 Technical Consultant Selection Policy Amended 03/20/20
- No. 2080 Interfund Loan Policy Adopted 08/19/22
- No. 2090 Compliance with Water Shutoff Protection Act Policy Adopted 04/21/23
- Capital Assets Policy Adopted 07/01/07
- Delegation Guideline Adopted 11/05/04
- Donation to the Community Policy Amended 12/20/19
- Incorporating TCPUD Financing Corp Resolution 93-8 Adopted 01/29/93
- Investment Policy Adopted 07/19/13
- Transfer of Golf Course Assets Adopted 04/18/14
- Water Leak Adjustment Policy Adopted 02/16/18