Legislative Affairs

Guided by the TCPUD Board adopted Advocacy Priorities, TCPUD actively engages in and monitors state and federal legislation on important issues including water infrastructure, fire suppression, water use, and outdoor recreation. The Priorities were identified to advance the TCPUD Mission to serve the people in our community, as well as the environment, and provide TCPUD with guidance on advocacy efforts and the flexibility to:

  • Sponsor, support, or oppose legislation
  • Address federal, state, and local policies and regulations
  • Protect TCPUD’s local authority, resources, and customers

Through formal communication and collaborative meetings with elected representatives, advocacy organizations, and local, state, and federal agencies on a wide range of issues, the TCPUD responds to legislation that could impact TCPUD and our constituents.

Locally, TCPUD participates in partnerships that work collaboratively to pursue legislative action and funding mechanisms that promote mutual goals with the Tahoe Basin. The goals include advancing initiatives that support water infrastructure, recreation, transportation, housing, and restoration. These partnerships include the California Tahoe Alliance, the Lake Tahoe Water for Fire Suppression Partnership, and the Climate Transformation Alliance.

Read TCPUD's 2025-2026 Advocacy Priorities (PDF - 0.2MB)


Legislative initiatives actively monitored by TCPUD include:

H.R. 9760 (Huffman) Community Protection and Wildfire Resilience Act 

This bill was introduced on September 23, 2024, to establish a community protection and wildfire resilience grant program, providing grants up to $250,000 for development of Community Protection and Wildfire Resilience Plan (CPWRP) and up to $10,000,000 to implement the CPWRP. This bill is meant to further the Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) program which expires in 2026.

Proposition 4 Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act of 2024

Proposition 4, known as the Climate Bond, authorizes the state to borrow $10 billion for climate projects, wildfire and forest programs, and drinking water improvements. Proposition 4 was passed by voters in the November 5, 2024 election.

Proposition 5 - Lower Supermajority Requirement to 55% for Local Bond Measures to Fund Housing and Public Infrastructure Amendment (2024)

Proposition 5 would have lowered the supermajority vote requirement from a two-thirds (66.67%) vote to a 55% vote for local jurisdictions to issue bonds for affordable housing and public infrastructure projects. This would have applied to any relevant local bond measures on the ballot on November 5, 2024. The amendment would also have required the local jurisdiction (city, county, or special district) to conduct an annual audit to ensure that the funds were used according to their intended purposes until all the proceeds were expended.  Following the November 5 election, Proposition 5 was not passed by voters.

Lake Tahoe Restoration Act (LTRA) 

The U.S. House of Representatives passed S. 612, the Lake Tahoe Restoration Reauthorization Act. The legislation, advocated in the House by Representatives Mark Amodei (R-NV) and Kevin Kiley (R-CA), extends the law’s authorization of $415 million in funding for environmental enhancement initiatives in the Lake Tahoe Basin until September 30, 2034. On July 10, 2024, the bill successfully passed in the Senate, receiving unanimous support from the Tahoe California and Nevada congressional delegation. The President signed the bill into law on October 2, 2024 and the LTRA is now authorized for another 10 years.


Legislative and Advocacy Partnerships

National Special Districts Coalition

TCPUD is one of 24 water and fire protection district leaders from nine states that participated in National Special Districts Coalition (NSDC) efforts to examine barriers local agencies face to ensure adequate water infrastructure for fire suppression exists within communities. Find the report and learn more about this effort by visiting nationalspecialdistricts.org.

Tahoe Water for Fire Partnership

The TCPUD is one of several water agencies around the Tahoe Basin in both California and Nevada that formed the Tahoe Water for Fire Suppression Partnership in response to the 2007 Angora Fire. The Partnership, in collaboration with the U.S. Forest Service and with leadership from the California and Nevada congressional delegations, embarked on an aggressive effort to accelerate the installation of critical water infrastructure to improve water distribution, storage systems, and regional interconnectivity to build capacity for fire suppression. 

Learn more about the Tahoe Water for Fire Suppression Partnership at tahoewaterforfire.org

Preparing Our Community for Wildfire

This video, produced by the California Special Districts Association in collaboration with North Tahoe Fire Protection District, Tahoe City Public Utility District, and North Tahoe Public Utility District, highlights the importance of water infrastructure in fire suppression projects and the challenges local agencies face in securing funding for these critical projects.

Video Credit: California Special Districts Association